martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Revolutionary War Video

The Colonists Political Heritage

The British liberty included two processes of law:

-Trial by jury

-Freedom of press

Also, the taxes were imposed by their representatives. The Colonial government followed the British model, but the colonists protested in the 1760's, revealing that there were some differences between the colonists and english.

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

The Cause of The American Revolution

The American Revolution was caused by a french and indian war in America, and a 7 year war that also had taken place in Europe. Also, France and Indiana against the British. In 1756 to 1757, the french destroyed British forts on lake Ontario and lake George. But by the 1758 and 1759, Brittish managed to cut off french supplies to the Americas, so the french people were not getting what they needed as supplies.